Blog de innovación social de Guadalupe de la Mata

The Art of Powerful questions/ El arte de las Preguntas Poderosas

“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on

the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining

the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question,

I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.”


The Art of Powerful Questions: Catalyzing Insight, Innovation and Action (CEM)


Good questions can move your business, organization, or career forward. They squeeze incremental value from interactions, the drops of which add up to reservoirs of insight.

The problem is, most of us ask terrible questions. We talk too much and accept bad answers (or worse, no answers). We are too embarrassed to be direct, or we’re afraid of revealing our ignorance, so we throw softballs, hedge, and miss out on opportunities to grow.

 Do you ever wonder how to structure a more powerful question to get richer, more meaningful feedback?

This article provides insight on how to structure powerful, engaging questions that provoke creative thinking and meaningful responses.

It provides useful guidelines on how to structure better questions, as well as a list of “generative questions” . It is especially useful for facilitators that work with groups or teams in order to effectively stimulate new knowledge and creative thinking in a wide variety of contexts.

I hope you like it!

Download Here, The Art of Powerful Questions, PDF 624KB

Ver este documento en Scribd

I also include a summary in Spanish

Haz clic para acceder a art_of_powerful_questions.pdf

And a couple of other interesting resources.

Asking effective questions. (The Asian Development Bank)
The art of asking powerful questions. (From the World Café Methodology)
Different question techniques (Changing minds)

If you know any other… just share it here!!

2 comentarios el “The Art of Powerful questions/ El arte de las Preguntas Poderosas

  1. Pingback: Formación de Formadores | Annotary

  2. Pingback: The Priority of Wonderings and Wanderings: MoMA- Art and Inquiry Final Project | MMaherBlog

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Esta entrada fue publicada el 18 agosto, 2013 por en Innovación, Liderazgo Social, RS del Individuo.


“La Innovación Social es un concepto en construcción, que engloba iniciativas que buscan nuevas formas de satisfacer las necesidades sociales que no están adecuadamente cubiertas por el mercado o el sector público o de producir los cambios de comportamiento necesarios para resolver los grandes retos de la sociedad ”

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